Emanuele Cavalleri

PhD candidate at the AnacletoLAB (Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Lab) -- Department of Computer Science, University of Milan, Italy. I received a MSc degree (cum laude) in Bioinformatics at the University of Milan & Politecnico of Milan (joint degree). My research activity has been carried out in the construction and analysis of biomedical knowledge graphs. My work has focused on integrating and handling structured and unstructured biological and biomedical data by exploiting the application of bio-ontologies such as GO, Mondo, and HPO. Proficient in semantic web technologies including RDF, RDFS, and OWL for effective data representation. Additionally, I gained expertise in query processing in SPARQL and Cypher in the biomedical domain. Currently, I am working on the application of graph representation learning methods and exploring large language models to enhance biomedical knowledge graphs.




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E-mail address: emanuele dot cavalleri at unimi dot it